How to Become an Australian Citizen

You may become a citizen of Australia in one of three possible ways. These are:

By birth: You automatically become an Australian citizen if you were born here and one or both of your parents is an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia.

By descent: If you were born overseas and one of your parents held Australian citizenship at your date of birth, then you are eligible to be registered as an Australian citizen.

By grant: If you are a non-citizen of Australia you can apply to become an Australian citizen.You must meet several requirements, which include:

  • You are 16 years of age
  • You have lived lawfully in Australia for at least 4 years
  • You have lived in Australia for at least 12 months as a permanent resident
  • Your are of good character
  • You have a good knowledge of the English language
  • You have a satisfactory knowledge of your responsibilities and privileges as a citizen

Exemptions to the residence requirements are available if you are married to an Australian citizen or employed by an Australian company

  • You intend to reside and work in Australia, or maintain a close and continuing connection with the country if granted citizenship


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